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OCU presents 5 projects at Innovation Japan 2015

Published on Sep 04, 2015


OCU participated in Innovation Japan, the largest industry-university matching event in Japan, held at the Tokyo Big Sight convention center on 27 and 28 August, where it presented 5 research projects.

The event attracted many companies, venture businesses and researchers, exploring possibilities to carry out joint research or commercialize research outcomes.
A full report will be posted in our university bulletin City X University, to be released in October.


Servo motor control by super multichannel power line communication using magnetic functional thin film device
Graduate School of Engineering, Professor Hiroaki Tsujimoto

A novel drug screening method using in vitro neural migration assay
Graduate School of Medicine, Associate Professor Masami Yamada

Pulsed Power Network for Accelerated Propagation of Distributed Generations in Power Systems
Graduate School of Engineering, Associate Professor Hisayoshi Sugiyama

Innovative search and development of functional food components for anti-dementia
Graduate School of Human Life Science, Associate Professor Akiko Kojima

Fatigue and Stress Measurement System
Center for Health Science Innovation,
?Director, Yasuyoshi Watanbabe, M.D., Ph.D.
?Dupity Director, Professor, Hiroshi Hori, Ph.D.

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